In a hectic world, it can be tempting to try and save time and money by purchasing insurance through a 1-800 number or a web page. But do you really know who is on the other end of the phone? Do they really care about you? And are you really saving any money?
There’s one very compelling reason why you should work with an insurance agent in your own community. Nothing can take the place of a trained, knowledgeable agent who can help you select the right insurance coverage for you and your family. Do you need extra homeowners insurance coverage for valuables such as jewelry and firearms? Should you purchase flood insurance? What about an umbrella policy? Does your college student need his or her own renter’s insurance policy? As your agent, we can take the time to answer important questions that can have a huge impact on your family’s financial security.
Trying to save money? Your insurance agent knows all of the different ways to save on insurance, too. From bundling policies and raising deductibles to taking advantage of discounts such as those for safe drivers and good students, our agents can help you explore all of your options for saving money on your family’s insurance coverage!