What comes to mind when you think of the perfect summer day?
For many, the perfect day might consist of a relaxing getaway to the beach. Maybe it’s a night out with the family watching a breathtaking display of fireworks. For others, the perfect summer day may involve s’mores around a campfire.
However, one thing is for certain: Nobody’s perfect summer day includes a devastating house fire.
Here are five helpful fire tips to help make sure the only fires you see this summer are in the sky on the Fourth of July!
1. Dryer Lint – Can you remember when you last emptied the lint from your dryer or cleaned out the dryer vent? A buildup of lint can spark a fire in seconds. Remember to clean your vent after every use.
2. Smoke Alarms – Take a few minutes to go through your home to change the batteries and test all of your smoke alarms.
3. Fire Extinguishers – Every home should have a fire extinguisher handy. If you don’t have one, be sure to purchase one. If you already have a fire extinguisher, double-check the expiration date or see if it needs to be serviced.
4. Chimneys – When is the last time that you had your chimney professionally inspected or cleaned? When chimneys are neglected, common issues such as creosote buildup can result in a devastating fire.
5. Grills – Always operate your grill at a safe distance from your home. Additionally, take the time to clean any grease buildup. No matter what your perfect summer day may include, take a few minutes today to practice these helpful fire tips.